CSR Funding
As well as providing a high level of transparency in our management, accounting and project reporting we are able to offer value for money to companies wishing to partner with us in any particular sector of social development that may suit your company’s CSR requirement. We would be in partnership with you in helping you reach your targets.
Jobs and Internships
We offer to hard-working, enthusiastic and motivated people a variety of employment and internship opportunities in a variety of different programs covered under our overarching community development work. Those programs currently include Children’s Education, Vocational and Skills Training, Women’s Empowerment, Community Health and Hygiene Programs, Administration, Organic Farming and other related work.
Many like to volunteer their precious time, especially during holiday periods. Volunteers in our programs have expressed their satisfaction, enjoyment, and even surprise at the high level of their contribution when they thought they had very little to contribute. Staff and program beneficiaries always welcome our volunteers with open arms.
Like many people these days are very busy and not able to offer their time and labor for charitable work, we remind you that there is an ongoing requirement of money for continuing and expanding our work. You can become an honored partner in our work by making a monthly donation.
For more details of how you may get involved please peruse through the ‘Get Involved’ drop boxes.