Donations in General

Helping Hand Jaipur Society / Donations in General

General Donations are those given for the overall management and running of our society project. These expenses, kept to a minimum, need to be met in order for the successful running of our various programs.  These programs benefit the people whom we work with and for. We run two offices, one in the Kathputli Slum and one in our school at Bhankrota.

Here is the list of the major expenses, with per month costs, which we welcome you to donate towards –

  1. Per month =    18,600/-   Office expenses – computers upkeep, xeroxing, stationery, auditing.
  2. Per month = 1,30,000/-   School Buildings rental & utilites – 2 buildings.
  3. Per month = 3,72,000/-   Salaries – currently 48 on staff .
  4. Per month =    20,500/-   Vehicles fuel & upkeep – currently owning 3 Maruti vans & 1 School Bus.


Would you like to donate towards one of these society expenses?